How to find and hire the best talent in sectors with skills shortages

If you do business in a skills shortage sector, discovering and hiring the best talent can be a challenge. Understandably, you want to find and recruit the perfect candidate for your position, but this can be incredibly difficult in industries where top talent is so highly contested. Finding and hiring the best talent in sectors with skills shortages calls for a really robust recruitment strategy… Skills shortages can be a significant hindrance on a company’s ability to grow. When it comes to industries where skilled workers are in short supply, there are two categories which businesses can fall into. Firstly, there are those who just accept that their recruitment strategies aren’t going to be as fruitful as they have been in the past, and secondly those who are willing to undertake a strategy of maximum exposure in order to find – and hire – the perfect candidate. We believe that you should be able to get a robust pool of talent from your recruitment strategy, even in a skills shortage. If you ensure that the salary and benefits of the role live up to expectations, take time to create compelling and enticing ads, and publish these across a wide variety of media, you put yourselves in the right place to source the perfect candidate for every vacancy. Here are a few major points to consider when sourcing talent in a skills shortage sector… Ensure that the role lives up to industry expectations When competition for the best talent is hot, you need to be sure that the salary, benefits and responsibilities associated with your job vacancy live up to the expectations of each individual job seeker. No matter how enticing your company culture or brand may be to work for, salary and benefits will be at the forefront of any skilled worker’s mind. It’s a good idea to research similar roles to ensure that what you are offering is up to standard. Craft compelling job adverts Your job adverts need to be meticulously crafted in order to represent the role itself, your company and your company vision. Job seekers are only willing to spend a small amount of time analysing each job advert. Why should they decide to click on yours? As expert hands in the world of recruiting, eRecruitSmart have the knowledge and experience it takes to create compelling job ads that entice the best possible talent in a skills shortage. Use eRecruitSmart for exposure across the broadest array of media No matter how meticulously crafted your job ads are, they are of no use unless they reach the people they are intended for. By choosing eRecruitSmart as your recruitment partner you will benefit from their unrivalled job exposure across the widest range of job boards, industry specific sites and social networks. Regardless of the state of your sector, never be willing to compromise on your recruitment efforts. Finding and hiring the right people for each role is integral to the growth of your business. To see how eRecruitSmart could help you beat the skills shortage get in touch today.