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Top Tips for Successful Recruitment

Recruiting Successfully - Top Tips

Making the correct hiring decisions will reduce staff turnover, help your budget and give your company more time.


When you book jobs through eRecruitSmart we give you an Applicant Tracking System where you can store, manage and communicate with the people who have applied to your jobs.  Our Recruitment Software is super easy to use and we provide you with a User Guide and a dedicated Account Manager who will talk you through how to get the best out of the system if you prefer.




Once you have placed an advert, you then need to handle the responses.  It is good practice wherever possible to let jobseekers know one way or another whether or not their application is going to be taken further. 


If you are going to reject an application you can do this by setting up an email template through the ATS we give you, which could say something like “We thank you for your application for the xxx  position, which unfortunately was not successful on this occasion.  May we take this opportunity to wish you success in your job search….”.   You could then personalise the email and send it to the applicants as a matter of courtesy.


In order to streamline the screening process and to get your final shortlist, you should write a list of the key criterion you require to fulfil the job role and put into priority order.  When you are screening the applications, you need to put them into categories of candidates that fit:

a)     all of your wish list

b)     most of your wish list or those who could be good for a different position in your company

c)     those applications that do not fulfil your requirements or that are unsuitable.


Depending on what time allows you, make contact firstly with list a) and then list b) to set up interview times.  Then write rejection letters to list c).




This is the point where all the time spent in coming up with your advertising campaign, screening all the responses and setting up the meeting arrangements takes you another step closer to filling your role.  The point of the interview is to assess the applicant’s suitability and also to give the jobseeker a better idea of what it would be like to work for your company within the role you have advertised.  


There should be a good balance of employment skills and suitability questions which should range from the straight forward interview questions to difficult or hard to answer questions as you will be looking to see how the candidate responds in a pressure situation.




Once you have made the verbal arrangements with the candidate, you should then confirm it in writing by email stating the job title and:


  • the day, date and time of the interview and how long the interview could last for

  • the venue address where the interview is being held

  • who the candidate will be meeting and appropriate contact numbers

  • any documentation that should be brought to the interview

  • if the candidate is to do a presentation


If you have any links to your website or a map with directions, then this is always a good idea to send and ask the candidate to acknowledge receipt of the interview details you have sent.




If you prepare the structure of the interview in advance, it will make it so much easier to communicate during the event.   As much as the candidate should want to impress you, it also works vice versa.


Think about where you will holding the interview as it should be in a private room where you wont get interrupted.  If the candidate will be doing a presentation then you will need to test the equipment to avoid any embarrassing situations.


Let the reception area know if you are expecting to meet with a candidate so that he/she feels welcomed and any forms that need to be filled in can be done on arrival.



The candidate is likely to be nervous on meeting with you, so a handshake and welcoming smile will do wonders to get the interview off to a good start.   You will probably have a list of questions prepared and when asking them, do take time to listen to responses.  It is possible that you have already benchmarked another candidate but by asking key questions, you may well see different characteristics that are just as appealing.


Asking questions with a “yes or no” answer won’t give you the insight on the individual or their skills, so you need so ask questions where a full reply is the only answer!   For example:


“Describe a role where you have worked as part of a team”  

If this is important in your role and the candidate can go on to describe a relevant situation that you are satisfied with – great.  On the other hand, if the candidate has only ever worked in a stand alone capacity then depending on the requirements of your job, you need to review whether the candidate is suitable or whether team work can be taught because his/her interpersonal skills and experience are really good.


“What standards do you set for yourself in the working environment?”  

You are looking for the applicant to demonstrate a good work ethic, essential in the hospitality & catering industry, not someone who just does the minimum.


“Have you ever taken on tasks that were in addition to your job and how did you manage this?”  What you are doing here is looking to see how flexible the candidate is and if they would be willing to cover for a colleague due to absence.


If you use an open questioning technique you will get far better results and responses from the candidates as they will relax and feel that they can communicate with ease which gives them a good impression of your company and will reveal to you their true abilities, attitude and personality.   Don’t forget, if you do need to clarify any point a candidate has made, always ask “how” or “why”.


Other useful questions to ask during the interview:


1.         What made you apply for this position?

2.         What experiences could you bring to this job?

3.         What aspect of your last role did you enjoy most?

4.         What were/are your reasons for leaving your last/current job?

5.         How do you react under pressure?

6.         Give me an example of your strengths?

7.         What would you say are your weaknesses?

8.         Where do you see yourself in three years time?




At the end of the interview, shake the candidates hand and thank him/her for the time spent attending and explain what to them what will happen next and when i.e. when they will know the outcome of the interview.


After they have left, add to the notes you made during the interview with your assessment on their suitability bearing in mind their experience and personality. 


If you are offering the position, then this is a wonderful result and the ideal procedure will be to confirm this both by telephone and in writing.


Once the candidate accepts in writing, you should send out letters to the unsuccessful candidates and as a matter of good form.

Are you ready to maximise your candidate attraction through eRecruitSmart?
Simply get in touch and let us help you get that recruitment project underway!


Smart Recruitment Solutions

Email:      Tel: 0333 772 1135


Oak House, Central Park. Reeds Crescent. Watford, WD24 4QN

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